
I was re-reading some emails i've sent over the months and this one brought tears to my eyes, composed and sent 6 hours before mothers passing ...... I could feel our mothers last strengths helping me write this to everybody...... Ill now do as I said then ..... Continue to Share It!!!!

cc: 13/12/2006 - Family Email -

Today was a day of contrast and reflection.... refelections of yesterday and yesteryear....

Yet again I find myself driving home in a numb & mindless state, remembering that there was a car on fire on the highway, a huge traffic jam.... then arriving home 10 mins later... (was actually 1hr45mins)....
Get inside and Sonya has poored me a nice stiff whisky and greets me with a warm hug... I now find myself doing todays email....
Only now in the past 60 mins of being home do I see the real thoughts ive had throughout the day (inc yesterday)....

Our ever proud Matriarc in laying bed with her husband at her side (yesterday his son as well).... and 1 of her sons at the other...

What a contrast of lives and crossing of loves, what a reflection of history and pronounced marks of respect.... each and every one different in its starting culture....

The respect of Kevins family with the "Stiff Upper Lip" British culture brings with it the Regality of our Matriarc.... the treatment Our Princess has always deserved! .....

aaannd then you have me! ..... in my way.... respecting our mother in the manner we were all taught....
As Sad A Time As This Is ..... this is mothers encore! .... soaking up every bit of love that she has ever shared with any and everybody she has ever come in contact with....

Mother taught me that this is also a time to Rejoyce & Reflect .....
Reflect on the "Loves Of Elisabeth" .... for Elisabeth Loved So Much .... far to numerious to list in a 100 page email .... Mother Loves the memories of her childhood happy times, her growing up, her past family and history thereof... her adventure, challanging her fears, mother loved her writting, her skating, her OES & her Faith.... most of all..... Mother Loved Her Children, Grand Children, Great Grand Children.... most of all..... Mother Loved Her Family & Her Friends....

Mother taught me to Rejoyce in the Love that Others Have Shared! ..... And Continue To Share It!!!!

The contrast realy stood out today.... for I more than ever could not stop talking to mother, caressing her, touching and kissing her, wetting her brow and wrists, dribbling drops of juice from a straw onto her tounge...... passing on every email (all 18+ of them... SRZ... I didnt print any out... I did them from memory after reading them here at possative ive missed NONE!) ..... I could not stop telling her of the Love returning to her in Every Email!! ..... I could not stop re-assuring her that my tears were only on the outside as on the inside I could see all the rest of the family whom have waited 80yrs to meet Elisabeth Fuller in person..... that mother will soon have the chance to play with Carol Maree and open Christmas presents with the 1 child she has not, go shooting with her dad again ..... I could not stop reassuring her that Our Lord knows exactly what her favorite foods are and that he will not overcook a thing and.... he guarentees mother a chair next to Jesus.

For as much as I am me and I show it.... I could not help but have a conciousness that Kevin was having the same reflections.... though from the other side of the mirror...... Reflecting on his steadfastness at mothers side "come all" ! ...... his son also reflecting their family culture..... ever so much Love and Re-assurance, through the eyes of their upbringing and culture.....

I can very much admire this trait, very dignified and honourable.... Very Regal !

Mothers adventures and journeys, but only here on earth, have turned the corner of her last path.... step by step without movement the Gates of Heaven become near..... only Mother and Our Lord knows how bright The Gate's Glow.

May we all pray for the Peace, Tranquility and Strength for Mother during these... her last steps and breaths of human live.... before she forever flys with the angels and dines with Our Lord.

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We Will Love You Always