Cookies Competition
Just to lighten the moods.....
Here is my first effort ....
Now we just wait a while for the new tech of "Websmells" to go mainstream.
Jim > did you get a pic of your cookies?
Yes he did.... and here they are ....
Unfortunately and obviously, Judy and I have never had the pleasure of Grandma's cookies.... only the recipe that Judy posted from (Aunt Anna Seeley 1925)
Looks good for a first try ..
A little too close together on the tray while cooking..
Well done ..
I might make some tomorrow and post my results..
yeh ..... ROFLS ... I dont have a baking tray, only a round pizza tray! ...
Yummy none the less :)
A note from Jim along with a pic of his cookies.....
Ok, this is a picture of what I came up with, Joe. You can pop it on the site if you like. You can see the jar of Grandma's Molasses there, it is the same exact thing Grandma used in hers. I put the CD in the back ground to you can all get an idea of how big the cookies should be, HUGE!
Something has been changed in the recipe, I want to say the eggs has been changed. I seem to remember Grandma having about 6 egg shells left over, not 2. Grandma's cookies were MOIST, almost black and had a glaze on them that shined. These are very dry, light brown and dull on the tops. Lack of Eggs will do all of this.
Who got Mom's cook book? Maybe it's in there, if it was Grandma's reccipe and not something Mom added on her own, or changed.
Many years ago, Bobbie told me that these were not Grandma's cookies, she made a batch and got the samething we got, just not it. Maybe Aunt Sylvia has a good copy.
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