He (copywrite Elisabeth Mobbs 2002)
The Prophet Isaiah was the first to tell
of the birth of Him we love so well.
In the land of Judah stands a village small-
Humble Bethlehem, first to hear the call.
Across the land and edict from Rome
sent Joseph to register his home.
His expectant wife, Mary, on donkey's back
followed him down the dusty track.
The town was full - no place to rest.
Then God gave Joseph his second test.
The innkeeper said, "No room have I stranger -
all thats left is a straw-filled manger.
Joseph sighed and looked at his wife,
"Oh God," prayed he, "Why give me such strife?
We can go no further." He to the innkeeper said,
"T'ween cattle and donkey we'll make our bed."
On the hillside under a moon grown cold,
Angelic choirs to the shepherds told;
"Good news we bring, to all mandkind.
Into Bethlehem go and the Christ child you'll find."
Straight away they went, God guiding their way.
Empty handed they knelt by the Babe in the hay.
From distant lands came wise men three,
setting gifts before Him on bended knee.
A puzzled Joseph slept not that night,
after shepherds and kings had been in his sight.
But a warning from God told him to flee -
"Take the Babe and His mother to a far country."
Without hesitation - without a doubt,
Joseph left with his family, 'ere people came out.
Towards Egypt-land their way they wended,
Till Herod's reign was finally ended.
Back in Nazareth the young lad grew,
With Mary's love and Joseph's too.
Then off to Jerusalem when His manhood reached,
to talk with the Scribes, hear what they preached.
"Where have you been?" a tearfull Mary frowned,
when on the homeward journey He was not found.
"I must be about My Father's busines," the lad replied.
"So soon, so soon!" she dried her tears and sighed.
Three short years He walked the country side.
"Listen and learn while I still abide.
The time is fast approaching then will come the day,
when earthly man will plot to take my life away."
"Heed well the lessons which I teach,
then go, two by two, yourselves to preach.
Love one another as I have loved you.
Share what you have and always speak true."
In the garden He prayed, trees shrouded in mist.
His betrayal consummated when He was kissed.
Neither Herod nor Pilate a fault could they spy,
but yeilded to demands of - "Crucify!"
The sky turned black, the earth did shake
when down from the cross my Master pake;
"Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do."
But ignorant men laughed and said, "We do, too!"
Fourty hours the earth held its breath.
For the jews, a day of rest was the Sabbath.
Dawn on the first day of the week
found women at the tomb, His body to seek.
"He is not there - He is risen!" the angels said.
Fear seized the women - away they fled.
"He said he'd return," brave Peter stated.
And they waited all day with breath a-baited.
Return He did, on a quiet evening,
amid deep doubt and great rejoicing.
"Feed my sheep - tend my lambs," His voice was full of love.
Then He went to join His Father in Heaven above.
A Guardian He left us - His Holy Spirit as Guide.
A promise He made to be kept at our side,
"Lo, I am with you always - even to the end of the age"
Engrave this on your heart, dear friend, as you turn over each day's page.
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