Memorial Day - USA -

Thankyou to all the servicemen and women from every nation that have and continue to pay the ultimate price for freedom and peace.

Noteably here,
Tracy Appleton - RIP - served WWII & Korea >Note from Jim- Thanks to Mom for letting Dad do his part.
and our eldest brothers, Dale with 20+ years service and to Jim.

God Bless America
Star-Spangled Banner
America the Beautiful
The Last Post
In Australian military tradition, the Last Post is the bugle call that signifies the end of the day's activities. It is also sounded at military funerals and commemorative services such as ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day to indicate that the soldier has gone to his final rest.

Thankyou to Jim for bringing this to my attention.

Our BIGG Dog "Little"

Joe & and Judy mentioned our old dog "Little". Little was a St. Bernard that mother had brought home. The women that gave him to us had him and his brother. At times the two would get to play fighting under her kitchen table and would almost nock it over. So, she decided to get rid of one.
I remember all of us laying on the living room floor using Little as a pillow to watch TV. During the winter, we would hook Little to our sleds and he would pull us around the yard. At the time we lived across the street from the Fire House, and every time the siren went off, Little would sit out in the yard and howl along with the noise. We would all watch and laugh at him. Mom would say the noise hurt him ears and that is why he howled.
I remember the mess he would make every time he would take a drink from his water bowl. He would raise his head after getting a drink and drool would be hanging from his face. Better be far enough away, cause than came the shaking of the head and droll would go all over the place. If you stood to close, you would get covered with droll. I miss our BIGG Dog "Little", he was a very gentle, loving dog.

Fond Memories

My name is Annette Appleton, I am the 5th of the 8 children mother had. I was the one known for bringing home stray animals. I remember one time while walking home from a friends house, I saw something rolling around along side of the street. Walking over to see what it was, I found a small baby kitten. As I was picking it up, I noticed to was bleeding from the head. With further investigation, I realized the poor thing looked as if it had been hit by a car. Being an animal lover as I am, I just knew I had to take this poor thing home and nurse it back to health.
Upon arriving home with a wounded kitten, mother... in her own caring way, says to me, " now Natta, you know that poor kitty isn't going to last the nite." And I told her in return, " Oh, yes it will." And with that I made a bed out of a old shoe box, laid that box on my pillow and laid next to it all that nite. When the next morning came, I woke to find the poor kitten hadn't made it through the nite as mother had said. Walking into the kitchen that morning with shoebox in hand and tears running down my face, mother in her caring way just says, " Lets go and bury the poor kitty out back." Never a " told you so" or anything. That's one thing I truly remember about mother, she was always there to tell you the truth, and if you still had to find out for yourself, she was never one to say, " I told you so". But she was always there to talk if you wanted to. And in learning this from her, I found myself raising my own daughter and granddaughters the same way.

Judy's Mothers Day Visit to "The Valley"

Hi Family.

We are home after our trip to Echo Point to spend Mother's Day with Mum.

It was 8.30am when we arrived at Echo Point. It was a quiet Sunday morning as far as the rest of the world was concerned.

As I started down the steps leading to the various walks, I could hear the water seeping thought the earth and down the sides of the mountain. You can see the drips as it falls from the branches and roots growing from the ground above you.

When you reach the first semi level area after the steps you look to your right and see this towering gentle flowing waterfall. It gathers in small pools then flows past some stepping stones in front of you. After finding your footing on the stepping stones, you continue to follow a path alongside the slowly moving creek that you had just crossed. You can hear the sounds of the different little waterfalls as you follow the pathway. All around you there is the sounds of birds calling. As you walk you can catch glimpse of the creek next to you. The pathway was in different degrees of dryness. Some points even covering the pathway with rivers of slowly moving water. The pathway leads to a set of steps that that guides you upwards. At the top of the steps the paths leads you off again to the left. Now we loose sight of the creek but the sound of waterfalls is ever present. The pathway turns a corner and it then divides into a path leading down a set of steps or continues on towards the right. At this point there are some beautiful fallen logs that if viewed in the right way, looks like a mossy green garden seat built for a queen.

Here we go down the steps. As you reach the bottom step there is a bench on your right. It is here that Joe and I sat and cried as we said our good bye's to Mum. There is a small fenced area about 5 metres long. It was here that Joe and I scattered Mum's ash's on our last painful trip. While standing there this morning, listening to the sounds around me, I knew that Mum was happy and at peace. She even had a special early morning planned to show off her beautiful vista for me.. If you look over the edge of the cliff we are standing on you can see Mum's private bath and waterfall.

I had taken a couple of wild flowers with me and I had them sitting on Mum's bench for a while. When I felt the time was right, I pulled them apart and kissed each petal in turn for each of Mum's loved family. I then tossed them to the wind for Mum to catch and place where she thought they belonged.

I have a beautiful Mulberry candle that I light for Mum on all special occasions. As we can't have candles burning in the Mountains, I took some of the wax from Mum's Birthday Party and I rubbed it into the bench. So I was able to share it with her. ( I have the candle burning now beside me for Mother's Day. Just 1 of the ways I use to help keep Mum so very close to me now. )

I had the chance to sit and watch as Mum showed off her beautiful morning. Watching the movement of the sun as it rose even further into the bright, clear sky. I watched in amazement as pairs of Black Cockatoo's cart wheeled across the sky on the early morning breezes. Cawing to each other across the vast distances. There was also the ever present butterflies. Flitting and floating just out of reach it seems. All the while soothed by the sounds of the waterfalls. Mum's presence was at home here. She has added her everlasting calmness to the quietness of the Valley. The lack of human sounds was magnified by the gentle concussion of natures choir.

Mum was smiling..
The twinkle of Mum's eye was reflected in the sun drenched distant horizon. Both have this baby blue haze to them. Absolutly amazing..

After what felt like minutes, but in fact was a couple of hours, sitting and talking with Mum I had to go.
I blew kiss's to the wind again for us all. I told Mum how much we loved her and missed her so.
I told her that I would be back again, I couldn't say when, but I would be back.

I slowly made my way back to the top where we had parked the car. My loving husband was there to greet me with a shoulder to cry on and a much needed drink.
As we drove away I looked at the clock and it was almost 11am.. It still feels like a few minutes...........

I hope these photo's will help you in understanding just why this area was so special to Mum.
I hope they also help you open up and share with those you hold dear.

Thinking of you all on this day.


He (copywrite Elisabeth Mobbs 2002)

The Prophet Isaiah was the first to tell
of the birth of Him we love so well.
In the land of Judah stands a village small-
Humble Bethlehem, first to hear the call.

Across the land and edict from Rome
sent Joseph to register his home.
His expectant wife, Mary, on donkey's back
followed him down the dusty track.

The town was full - no place to rest.
Then God gave Joseph his second test.
The innkeeper said, "No room have I stranger -
all thats left is a straw-filled manger.

Joseph sighed and looked at his wife,
"Oh God," prayed he, "Why give me such strife?
We can go no further." He to the innkeeper said,
"T'ween cattle and donkey we'll make our bed."

On the hillside under a moon grown cold,
Angelic choirs to the shepherds told;
"Good news we bring, to all mandkind.
Into Bethlehem go and the Christ child you'll find."

Straight away they went, God guiding their way.
Empty handed they knelt by the Babe in the hay.
From distant lands came wise men three,
setting gifts before Him on bended knee.

A puzzled Joseph slept not that night,
after shepherds and kings had been in his sight.
But a warning from God told him to flee -
"Take the Babe and His mother to a far country."

Without hesitation - without a doubt,
Joseph left with his family, 'ere people came out.
Towards Egypt-land their way they wended,
Till Herod's reign was finally ended.

Back in Nazareth the young lad grew,
With Mary's love and Joseph's too.
Then off to Jerusalem when His manhood reached,
to talk with the Scribes, hear what they preached.

"Where have you been?" a tearfull Mary frowned,
when on the homeward journey He was not found.
"I must be about My Father's busines," the lad replied.
"So soon, so soon!" she dried her tears and sighed.

Three short years He walked the country side.
"Listen and learn while I still abide.
The time is fast approaching then will come the day,
when earthly man will plot to take my life away."

"Heed well the lessons which I teach,
then go, two by two, yourselves to preach.
Love one another as I have loved you.
Share what you have and always speak true."

In the garden He prayed, trees shrouded in mist.
His betrayal consummated when He was kissed.
Neither Herod nor Pilate a fault could they spy,
but yeilded to demands of - "Crucify!"

The sky turned black, the earth did shake
when down from the cross my Master pake;
"Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do."
But ignorant men laughed and said, "We do, too!"

Fourty hours the earth held its breath.
For the jews, a day of rest was the Sabbath.
Dawn on the first day of the week
found women at the tomb, His body to seek.

"He is not there - He is risen!" the angels said.
Fear seized the women - away they fled.
"He said he'd return," brave Peter stated.
And they waited all day with breath a-baited.

Return He did, on a quiet evening,
amid deep doubt and great rejoicing.
"Feed my sheep - tend my lambs," His voice was full of love.
Then He went to join His Father in Heaven above.

A Guardian He left us - His Holy Spirit as Guide.
A promise He made to be kept at our side,
"Lo, I am with you always - even to the end of the age"
Engrave this on your heart, dear friend, as you turn over each day's page.

Mother's Day Memories

With Mother's Day fast approaching I find my thoughts drawn to Mum.

There are so many special things that Mum and I shared between us, one of those things being a Mother.

I remember when I was small and Mum would ever so occasionally say something like ' You'll change your mind when 1 of your own kids does this or that.' I would give Mum one of the strangest looks, like she had suddenly spoken in a foreign language. This always brought a knowing chuckle from Mum.

Mum, being the very special woman that she was, gave special thought to my very first Mother's Day gift. Just before Mother's Day 1985,we were out shopping and sat down for a coffee. We started remembering some of the Mothers Day's we had spent together. Mum being Mum, managed to swing the conversation to how being a mother changed EVERYTHING in your life. Mum impressed on me the importance of time. Time to love, Time to learn, Time to play, Time to teach, Time to share and Time to grow. Mum used the analogy of the slow moving caterpillar. When the time is right it makes it's cocoon and spends the time it needs to grow and change into a beautiful butterfly. Upon finishing this sentence Mum presents me with a perfect butterfly broach. Mum then went on to say that now I had grown from the caterpillar into my own perfect butterfly. Needless to say butterfly's are very special to me.

And now I find myself in the same position Mum was in. Buying that special 'something' for my daughter on her first Mother's Day.

I hope I do as good a job for TJ, as my Mum did for me.

Loving you always Missing you more.


We Will Love You Always