A Tribute to Betty from her Loving Husband Kevin

Note from Joe: Kevin has asked me to publish this following Tribute To Elisabeth. I have endevoured to copy his notes word for word.... though I have added a couple of comments of my own > They appear between the brackets (here)... I also have added the pics.

I met Elisabeth, who most of you know as Betty, because of her desire to teach writing.

In a way I had been introduced previously. A lady playing croquet at Toronto had spent a couple of hours on the court, with continuing enthusiastic comments about her Order of The Eastern Star Choir - particularly its dynamic leader, the same Elisabeth.

I was a widower, following my first wife's long series of illnesses. It soon became apparent that Elisabeth and I were, in some ways, kindred spirits. We were both lonely, we had more life to live. We enjoyed travel. We visited each others homes and soon resolved to walk towards the sunset together.

We married in November 2000 and settled in my home of over 40 years in Gloucester, New South Wales.

Elisabeth soon became as one with the group I had known for many years. She maintained her OES connections with both Great Lakes and West Lakes Chapters. She was invited to speak about American Indians at PROBUS. Later she took a turn at President of PROBUS. We attended the Uniting Church in Gloucester, but once a month Elisabeth was the Organist at the Presbyterian Church. She gave classes in Creative Writing and soon learned to play Croquet. Her computer was her means of staying in touch with her family and friends - especially those in the States. Of course, Elisabeth continued to be an enthusiastic choir member.
We still found time to travel.

Elisabeth found Gloucesters climate oppressive. It was very hot in summer, to compensate it was even colder in winter! Her emphasima did not help.

We began to look for homes in a Retirement Village. After some false starts we settled on a New Home at Greenbank Gardens Village, near Brisbane Queensland.

Like elsewhere, Elisabeth soon settled. She met the neighbours and it was delightful to hear her play popular tunes on her beloved Roland Electric Piano. She turned our house into a home.

We went on arranged bus tours to get to know our surroundings. We moved on to public buses and trains for the same purpose. We attended functions in the Village hall and visited Joe and Sonya at Tweed Heads.

Elisabeth continued her teaching of Creative Writing to some grateful students localy. Elisabeth soon joined the local, Beauview Chapter 218 - Order of The Eastern Star.

We continued to travel, to Cairns in Far Northern Queensland (this trip has a storey in it self!) , to Canberra to visit Judy, to Fiji, to Perth in Western Australia......

Some eighteen months before Elisabeths passing she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and underwent a mastectomy and recovered with flying colours. Yet her general health was declining. I recall telling others that I was having better luck healthwise than was she. Even still, it was a tremendous shock to learn in August 2006 that Elisabeth had advanced and incurable Pancreatic Cancer. The best of care eased her suffering but Elisabeth passed away peacefully on December 14, 2006.

Elisabeths daughter Barbara, visiting from overseas, her son Joe and I was present during the Dr's diagnosis and prognosis. Her family gave all possible loving care and support. Dorie flew out from the States for a week and visited daily, Judy and her son Brett flew up from Canberra for 2 weeks. Joe was the bastion of support, traveling up from Tweed Heads most days and communicating with the family to keep then informed daily.

Two inspiring Thanksgiving Services were held for her wonderful contibutions to life. One here in Brisbane, Qld at Browns Plains Presbyterian Church and the other at the Goucester Uniting Church in NSW. Elisabeths ashes were divided into Two earns. One is buried in Gloucester and, as specially requested, Joe and Judy scattered the contents of the other in the beautiful Jamison Valley, Katoomba NSW. (Mothers Final Bushwalk)

I am ever so grateful to have shared a few years of Elisabeth's dynamic company!
I am amoungst the many people who will always dearly miss her and love her.

Kevin Mobbs

God has not promised
skies always blue,
flower-strewn pathways
all our lives through,
God has not promised
sun without rain,
joy without sorrow,
peace without pain.

But God has promised
strength for the day,
rest for the labour,
light for the way,
Grace for the trials,
help from above,
unfailing sympathy,
undying love.

* Annie Johnson Flint *

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