Hi all
I have the great pleasure of introducing you to
Brandon Roy Webster.
Born 23rd July 2009, at 10.59 am.
6.2 pounds, 10 fingers and 10 toes.
I'm now at home with Mum, Dad and my 2 big sisters Mj and Charlie.

Hi All
Thought I would share with everyone new photo's I have gotten of my 2 beautiful granddaughters.
Mj on the left, is almost 3 and Charlie, on the right is almost 2. The newest addition to Tj's growing bunch is due to make an arrival anyday now..
Hope they make you smile..
Love to all
This year my very thoughtful husband decided I would spend Mum's Birthday visiting with her at Echo Point. It was a very special trip. First time I have been able to spend Mum's actual Birthday with her again.

On this trip we spotted what I think was a pair of Lyrebirds. There was also a pair of Yellow Tailed Cockatoos flying over head, but they didn't stop closely enough or for long enough to get a nice photo.

We spent about 1 1/2 hours with Mum and then some rain clouds started moving in. It was Mum telling us to make the start for home. She knows it's a long 4 hour drive.

I again visited this little shop in Katoomba, Heart of Stone, where I have picked up all the little friends within Betty's Garden. This time a precocious little fish called to me as I passed it by in a stone water feature the shop owner had set up. I'll put it in Betty's Garden for now, but when the new fish tank is up and running I might put it in there.
I enjoyed our visit Mum and miss you terribly.
Hi all not sure if Judy has told anyone or not but still I will if she hasn't.
OK so as some of you might know I've been on a weight loss journey for the last 19months and well I have lost 104kgs/228.8lbs as of today and well this is where you come in.
As I've gotten smaller my fitness has gone up and well I have been challenged to do a 5kms/3miles fun WALK/run for breast cancer research this is a close to my heart as it is to us all.
So please sponsor me and the walk its all tax deductible for Australian residents for donations over $2 that is.
If you feel the need to sponsor me greast just follow the link.
sponsor me please
If you would like more info about me and where I've come from and going to please visit my site. BIG Daves journey
Summer 2009 is almost over. The plants within Betty's Garden have loved the summer warmth and sun.
The Frangipani has more than doubled in stem and leaf growth. It produced more than 10 flowers - 2 are still in full bloom.

The Buzzy Lizzy's have thrived and are in constant bloom. They have grown from thin little seedling plants into healthy little shrubs.

All the while I have sat in the garden swing remembering the love and laughter I shared with Mum 'Betty' in summers pasted. In turn sharing love and laughter with my family and friends in Summer 2009.
You are always in my heart and in my thoughts.
Missing you more today than yesterday.