Fuller Family Pictures
Jim and Aunt Sylvia have been sending pics & info back and forth... so here is some faces to put names to of our past.
Thankyou Jim
Thankyou Aunt Sylvia
Hi All,
Please "meet" EMMA PEET FULLER. Emma Peet was the wife of Josiah when she was 20. Their son was Miles, father of Jonas Luther...... Grandpa Jo. They were also the parents of Lydia who married into the Seeley Family.
Please "meet" Miles Fuller. The guy standing is, Miles Fuller. The boy on the fence that has shoes on, is Jonas Luther Fuller, Miles son.... We knew him as Grandpa Jo, Mom's Dad.
Josiah Fuller with his Grand Kids.As per Aunt Sylvia: Standing on the left is Gladys Fuller, daughter of Carl who is Grandpa Jo's brother, Boy in front of her is George Bouse, son of Ellen Fuller Bouse, Grandpa's sister. Then, Aunt Sylvia is on the right in front.
Please "meet" Lydia Fuller / Seeley. Lydia is Miles' sister.
I have met Bill and Barb Tite, of Michigan. Bill is from the Lydia Fuller / Seeley branch. Their son, Bill Tite III, lives here in Lexington!!!!!!!!!!!! Barb has the full family tree, going back to england and is going to give me a copy of it when she comes down to visit her son, next month.