As predicted Betty's Garden has grown a little more again. There is now a lovely garden swing and the planting has spread to the other side of the swing to include an old metal wash tub filled with Lavender. I have a mix of the dried Lavender blooms and some of the dried rose blooms from Mum's bouquet's as potpourri in my bedroom.
Mum's Frangipani is flowering well with 2 more blooms opened. I have it next to the Port Wine Magnolia. In each pot now lives the little treasures I found at Echo Point while visiting with Mum.
On the other side of the garden is our windmill and overflowing barrel. A lovely cottage garden mix of blooms.
Missing you more each passing day Mum.
I hope Betty's Garden brings a smile to your beautiful face.

Today is the 2nd Anniversary of Mum's passing. I hope everyone will take a moment to sit, reflect and remember.
I often take a moment or 5 to sit and remember Mum. Her love of plants inspired me to make a memorial garden here at home.
I have a few plants that were special to Mum, Bizzy Lizzy's ( Impatients ), a Frangipani, a Crepe Myrtle. I also have a few that are special to me, a Daphnie Adora, a Red Japanese Maple, a Port Wine Magnolia.
Scattered among the plants are little treasures like a frog and a turtle. I buy a little treasure at Echo Point each trip up to visit with Mum. Bruce the Garden Gnome keeps an eye on everything within Betty's Garden, so feel free to relax, refresh and spend a moment or 5.
Mum, I miss you more with each passing day. I know you are watching me everytime I look at your garden here at home.
This oil portrait titled "Tell Me A Story" was painted by Anne Kane, a personal friend of Mum's. It was painted in 1998 and entered into that years Archibald Prize. The Archibald Prize is one of Australia's oldest and most prestigious art awards.
Needless to say it is now, most importantly, a precious family heirloom.
**Edit by Joe** A Huge Thanks to Judy and Dave for making the 1000 mile return journey to collect Mother's Portrait.
As you can see in both photo's, it IS a life size portrait!

Dave and I made a 2 day trip to visit with Mum. On an early morning drive to the 3 Sister's Lookout, Katoomba NSW, this is the sight that was before us.
What a wonderful blanket for Mother to draw upon herself as she rolls over in slumber. Mother's lookout is to the right of this picture.
I love you Mum and miss you dearly.. XOXOXO

It is my humble honour this year to 'fly' the flag for our beloved Mother.
I have made a little memorial of things special to me and Mum.
The US Flag takes pride of place, always in my vision while I'm at my computer.
Nestled alongside the US Flag is a priceless photo of our Mother and her beautiful sister Sylvia. I also have a scented candle burning as I do most nights, my little offer of a ' Candle of Hope '.
I miss you terrible Mum and long to hold you again.
Below is an email I received from Jim.
Thanks Heaps Jim
Hi everyone,
The attachment is just wonderful, a little hard to read but it's great Fuller history.
2 weeks ago, I sat down and talked with Bill and Barb Tite from Michigan. They were in town to visit there son, Bill Jr., who runs one of the many Horse Farms in the area. Now, lets see if you can all follow this, Bill Sr.'s grandmother was Lydia Fuller. Mom's grandfather was Miles Fuller. Lydia and Miles were brother and sister. Their father was Josiah Fuller and his father was Jonas Fuller, the one that walked down from Vermont.
Everyone of you now have a copy of the death certificate of Jonas Fuller, you can read the signature of Josiah on it too, down near the bottom.
Now, more neat news. Jonas Luther Fuller. On Bill's mother's side of the family is a Luther Seeley (spelling) and it's looking like that is where Grandpa's middle name came from. They were all very close knit bunch too.

Jim and Aunt Sylvia have been sending pics & info back and forth... so here is some faces to put names to of our past.
Thankyou Jim
Thankyou Aunt Sylvia
Hi All,
Please "meet" EMMA PEET FULLER.
Emma Peet was the wife of Josiah when she was 20. Their son was Miles, father of Jonas Luther...... Grandpa Jo. They were also the parents of Lydia who married into the Seeley Family.
Please "meet" Miles Fuller.
The guy standing is, Miles Fuller. The boy on the fence that has shoes on, is Jonas Luther Fuller, Miles son.... We knew him as Grandpa Jo, Mom's Dad.
Josiah Fuller with his Grand Kids.
As per Aunt Sylvia: Standing on the left is Gladys Fuller, daughter of Carl who is Grandpa Jo's brother, Boy in front of her is George Bouse, son of Ellen Fuller Bouse, Grandpa's sister. Then, Aunt Sylvia is on the right in front.
Please "meet" Lydia Fuller / Seeley.
Lydia is Miles' sister.
I have met Bill and Barb Tite, of Michigan. Bill is from the Lydia Fuller / Seeley branch. Their son, Bill Tite III, lives here in Lexington!!!!!!!!!!!! Barb has the full family tree, going back to england and is going to give me a copy of it when she comes down to visit her son, next month.
Growing up there was no money for big fancy holidays. We looked forward to camping holidays up on the NSW central coast. Mum always tried to find a place near the beach. One of our favorite places was Shelly Beach, in the Lake District, near The Entrance.
We always took our own tent and cooking gear. It was great roasting marshmallows over the fire while listening to the surf crash on the shore. In latter years we had a camp stove that used bottled gas but Mum always made a fire for the marshmallows.
I barely remember 1 fantastic storm where the wind and the rain was so strong that Joe and Mum had to go out into the storm and try to batten down the tent pegs. I stayed in the tent screaming and crying, and all I could hear was Mum yelling at Joe over the sound of the thunder to “get this peg “and then “Joe over here, on this side.” All the while Mum was laughing at me and the commotion I was causing. Then, in a pause in the storm, Mum would pop her head into the tent to laugh at me again and say “Chickadee there is nothing to be scared of. You and I have seen worse storms than this."
Then early the next morning it was a treat to search the beach to see what the storm had washed ashore. Looking back on those times and with adult eyes, I can see the childish glee in Mum's eyes as we combed the shoreline for the marvels of the deep. Every rock pool was a new adventure. Every shell held to our ears sang a different song. It was with Mum that my love of the beach began.
Another year we spent the Easter holidays at this same beach. I worried that the Easter Bunny would not find us if we were not home. Mum had a quiet giggle to herself and said that just like Santa, the Easter Bunny would 'just know' where we were and I was not to worry. Needless to say the Easter Bunny 'just knew' we were there and left Easter eggs for us at the foot of our sleeping bags.
Even on my last holiday with Mum, if only for a day, we went to South Stradbroke Island Resort. Mum lunched on fresh Seafood caught locally. We took a ride over to the ocean side of the island and strolled along the beach. Again finding shells and holding them to our ears and listening to their song.
I took these experiences and used them in the making of holiday memories with my children. I didn't have money for fancy holidays with them either, but we managed a few nice camping holidays. I shared with them the joys of the beach after a storm, just like Mum did with us. I looked into their eyes seeing their childish joy in finding a nice big shell, just like Mum did with us. I showed them the stars of Orion and The Southern Cross, just like Mum did with us.
Even in ways we are not aware of, we are all like our Mum. I look forward to being able to share more of Mum's hand-me-down ways with my grandchildren. I was able to watch Mum with her grandkids, my kids, and I saw again the childish glee in her eyes of a perfectly formed sandcastle. And the giggles as the waves of high tide washed it away. The joy of a picnic on the back lawn in autumn, nothing fancy just leftovers and sandwiches.
In all my memories of times shared with Mum, it is the times of sharing the simple pleasures that life has to offer, that shine the brightest.
Mum you are my 'First star at night' that I make a wish upon every night. I love you and miss you terribly.