Ive had a thought.... "Betty's Recipe Book"

A very "tasty" thought indeed...
Totaly Suitable for "Fullers Pond"...
But I have only one problem...
It is Everyone Except Me that needs to contribute...
Especialy the Ladies of the family...

Because I dont have any of Mothers Recipe's ! -or-
Other suitable good old fashioned country fair!

Ssoo i'll put in with a couple of requests if I may... both dish's have flavours of memory, that have come to me in the past few months or so that for one reason or another Mother rarely cooked here in Australia.....
A) Dumplings! ... I remember flavours of Mother making lovely soft & light dumplings served with a gravy!
B) Backed Beans & Ham! ... again, such strong memories of the ham flavour throughout the beans!

I know Judy has a few and so should all of you ladies.... so get to work and organise 2 or 3 each then and add them to the comments section of this post. I will make a permanent link to this post called...
"Betty's Recipe Book"

Judy has found the following recipes and scanned them for us all to share, THX Sis!

A Mother of Change ?

The 20th century will be know as the century of change > Huge Changes to mankind - all within a few very short decades of time.

Family life was & is realy no different > huge changes all within a few short decades.
Our Grandparents saw the first of this "electricity thing" , Our Parents saw electricity implimented into everyday life and had dreams/visions/TV shows about "The Future" ... which, we today take as common place & easily purchased over the counter.

Without pre-confronting Judy about this post I know to a major extent that I may be speaking for her as well.
By me being the second youngest sibling, simultaniously being the eldest here in Australia I feel I have come to understand many of my elder siblings comments.

Though we are 1 Family , we are many identities of time and place, each and everyone of us brought up in a different period of time and change...
... Afterall, 8 children + 25yrs + all those times of grief PLUS the fact of "two sides to every story" .... must equal many times of change, adaptations and other decisions.

Quoting our eldest brother Jim .... "The Mother you know and the Mother I know are two different people" .... and only now I feel the unity of such a decisive statement..... this is simply a statement of change! ..... and I'm sure that we could all say it in our own write to any other sibling and still have the same meaning.

Quoting an email from Judy (without her permission :( ) .....
"..... And harder yet, try as we like, we will never know the same Mum they know. I'm very glad I got the version of Mum that I did. I got the happier ( overall ) , more selfconfident, worldly, traveled, and life loving woman. I, out of all of Mum's children, had the great pleasure of watching my Mum grow with her grandkids.. I have more treasured family memories than the US family do I feel. My kids got to spend 20 odd years with Mum and the US family can't neccessarly say that"

Throughout our live's here in Australia, we too have been whitness to lifes never ending cycle of change.
I remember when we arrived,
Mother's "1st-decade"..... Mother was the first to get us out and about seeing things.... but then when we got there Mother was always the first to put the brakes on, often before we even got started, being ever so causious after jumping the gate....
Mother's "mid-decade" .... Mother tended to "float about" here and there.... clear ideas and goals.... and achieving them (ie: Visit USA twice in 4 years) ... but still seemed to be "a cup half full".
Mother's "final-decade" .... began with the underlying though yet to surface desire "to be loved for just being herself".... As we all know it wasnt long before Mother met Kevin and this desire of "childish giggles" returned to them both.

As we all can attest, whilst allways being "Mom/Betty/Elisabeth/Liz" people age the same way.... always changing & adapting while retaining the original essence of "Mom".

Thursday 14th June 2007 was 6 months to the day since Mothers passing.....
Thursday 14th June 2007 was the first day it snowed at "Mothers Resting Valley" in 8 years ......

As we all age and we all change...
One thing shall never change...

We Will Love You Always Mother

A story about the "Story Teller"

As you all are well aware mother loved to write story's. To get any of them published was beyond her wildest dreams in the early years. I wont go into detail of mothers complete works, i'll save that for a seperate post. This post is to focus only on one book..... "The Loo Book".

I had relocated from Canbera (where Judy lives now) to Newcastle when I heard of mothers hospitalisation for emphesiema, so to be close and help where I could. After what was an absolutely amazing recovery (other lifestyle choices played a huge part as well) mother soon started on her writing again.

I was doing study courses in business management, advertising, digital graphic arts and continuing my "fishy" studies.... but soon found that all this study doesnt pay the bills. After several long conversations with Sonya we decided to buy an existing printing business and to publish books as well..... We proceeded to move the entire printing business into our home as we had a huge workshop down stairs. 2 printing press's, foil stamping machine, huge paper guilotine, industrial binding machine and much more.
Mother was totaly gobsmacked!

Within 6 months Mother and I had the basic layout of our first book. Soon we were proof reading, then the final proof... then we started printing.

We printed a total of 5000 books and I said to mother "Now we have to sell them!" ... mother chuckled.... "and I know how we are going to do that" I continued to say.... "Mother, get yourself prepared for a mini storm.... I have organised 4 local newspapers to interview you over the next 2 days!!". Mothers eyes popped and her jaw dropped..... "As well as that, the local TV station would like to do an interview". Unfortunately nothing came of what I was hoping to be good (free) advertising on the TV.

The most memerable comment from mother was how honoured she was by one of the editions in a paper.... to be mentioned and refered to in the same article as Mark Twain.

For Christmas I thought it would be nice to make a momento for mother. So I made a photo frame of these paper adverts for her new book.

This photo frame is now on the wall behind me.

I still have copies of "The Loo Book" available for anyone who does not have a copy. Email Me
*NB* Any and All Copywrite Material ever produced by the late Elisabeth Ann Fuller Mobbs is enforceable and are held in trust by me.

We Will Love You Always Mother


We Will Love You Always